Let me first just say how glad I am that it is FINALLY FALL in Florida. One of the things I dislike about living here is that summer lasts 6 months and is miserably hot. So, now that the temps are dipping down to a chilly 73 degrees, I am feeling a lot better about life in general and Florida in particular!
School is in full swing for us now. Bryce is in 1st grade this year and actually just tested into the gifted program, we are so proud of him! When I was pregnant with him I always said he would be really smart. Mostly because I transferred the majority of my brain cells to him in utero leaving me with a severe deficit. Anyway, he loves school, especially math and computer lab. He is also doing cub scouts this year which he really enjoys. Matt is his den leader (oh, don't worry...embarrassing pictures of Matt in his uniform will follow shortly!).

Lily also loves school. She is very smart as well and busy learning her letters and how to read this year. As with everything else they do, Bryce and Lily learn so differently which makes life challenging but helps keeps me on my toes too. She is also super creative. She loves "doing projects" and has been known to go through a whole glue stick in one day. She is taking ballet again this year and lives to dance right now, it's borderline obsession.

September was a busy month for us. We all went up to Minnesota where Matt's half brother was being ordained as a bishop in the Catholic Church. It was really fun for the kids to meet that side of Matt's family and we had a wonderful time up there. The kids love being in the city, another trait inherited from mommy, and our hotel was right in downtown St. Paul. We took them to the Mall of America one day which was super fun.

Shortly after that Matt and I celebrated our 10 year anniversary. (for those of you that are keeping track, that's 10 years from the day of our wedding but only 4 years from the day I made it official and took his name! tee hee hee) He didn't take me to Paris, but I'm still holding out...

Also, my step cousin Stephen got married in Tampa and he and his fiance, Nichole, had asked B & L to be in the wedding. After months of speculation, "Do you think they will walk down the isle?" the big day arrived and they did great. It was an intimate outdoor wedding, one of the most beautiful weddings I've ever been to, and we all had a great time. Lily was like a little princess and, of course, she enjoyed every moment of that. Bryce felt pretty cool in his tux and we discovered a love for dancing hidden deep inside of him. Unfortunately he has his daddy's rhythm but he was having fun nonetheless. What a fantastic memory for us and the kids!

Now it's October and all of the excitement is about Halloween. Lily is going to be a ballerina (shock of all shocks) and Bryce is going to be a robot. We actually made B's costume and he won "most creative costume" at his cub scout fall festival, very exciting stuff. And yes, for those of you who are wondering, he is wearing dryer duct.

Well, thanks for bearing with me through all of that. Now I know that we really are friends. I hope and pray that you all are well...