Friday, March 9, 2007

I'm new at bear with me. I thought this might be a fun place to share all the things that happen in my day to day life. Not just the big things, but the seemingly insignificant ones too. As my kids keep growing (why does that have to happen?) I realize that my life is made up of those little moments and when you put them all together they make something big and important.

Anyway, I'm rambling. Here's a funny story that happened the other day. If you've already heard it, stop reading. Or...keep reading and have another laugh.

Lily is curious. (that's my nice way of saying it...mischievous might be more appropriate) You can't leave anything lying around unless you want it picked apart, examined, written on, colored, moved to another get the idea. She is also full of questions, I mean FULL OF QUESTIONS. There is no such thing as a quick explanation. A man with the sign on the corner launches us into a 20 minute discussion of homelessness and what we can and can't do to help. Can: Give him food. Can't: Let him come live in our home. Her most recent adventures involved her daily "rest time" (naps are a fond but distant memory) and an ink pad. You can see where this is going, right?

My kids have a mandatory 30 minute rest time every afternoon. They can do quiet activities but they have to stay in their rooms. Not a big request. Well, Lily happened upon a stamper the other day during her "rest" and 20 mins later I find that she has skillfully applied it as eyeshadow, blush, lipstick and fingernail polish. It's times like these that I find it really hard to convey to Lily the seriousness of her actions as I am desperately trying not to die of laughter. After many phone calls to other moms, Internet research, and trial and error I finally got it all off. Lily's response to all my scrubbing was..."I really wish that stamp pad wasn't in my room." Sure, blame the stamp.