Saturday, July 12, 2008

Hopefully ER visits don't happen in threes....

Well... I'm sure it is woefully clear to all of you, as it is to me, that I am not a very good blogger. I'm so sorry it has taken me months to update this (Jeff G) and I would promise you that I will try to do better but, let's be honest, it probably wouldn't happen. So, we'll just have to let it go and enjoy these small glimpses into my insane life whenever possible...

Lily always keeps us on our toes. She is full of life, drama, energy, questions. So, I guess I should have known our first ER visit due to an injury would be with her. And the second as well. What I didn't know was that we would have them both in the same week. Like I said, she never ceases to amaze us!

We had a busy day on 4th of July. Matt and the kids participated in a running race and then we had a neighborhood bike parade that ended with Popsicles at our house. So, before we headed off for more fun at the pool I told the kids to have some "quiet time" in their rooms. They were all reading away, or so we thought, until Lily came out announcing that she had something in her nose. "Did you put something in your nose, Lily?" No, of course not. So, I shined a flashlight up there and sure enough there was something shiny way, way up there. Our neighbor, a nurse, said it was too far up for her to get so off we went to the ER. Lily actually managed to stay pretty calm, although she was visibly upset, until they went to take it out and then it took 5 of us to hold her down. :-) Anyway, they got it out (using a paperclip!!) and after some Starbucks life was good again for Lily. The funniest part was when I told Bryce we were taking Lily to the hospital b/c she stuck a battery up her nose he asked if it was from his little ipod toy, which it was, he then said, "When you get it out can I have it back?". Brotherly love.

5 days later... the kids were out practicing golf in the front yard. I had set them both up in their places, made sure they had whiffle balls (not real ones), and gone inside to get them a snack. Next thing I know Lily is screaming and holding her head and Bryce is just saying "It was an accident" over and over. Long story short she had been standing a little to close to Bryce while he took a swing and she took a 7 iron to the side of her head. We ended up taking her to the emergency peds clinic where they cleaned it out and glued it shut. We were so thankful that it wasn't any worse and that she didn't have to have stitches or staples. I do have to say it was one of my scariest moments as a mom. Matt was happy to see that I happened to have my camera in my purse and he took this picture at the clinic. She is doing fine now. She complained of a headache for the first couple of days and we can't wash her hair for about a week but more than anything she was upset that she couldn't go to the pool for a week.