Monday, April 23, 2007

I warned you that these might be few and far between.

As most of you know, Matt travels for work quite often. Leaving me to the day to day madness that we call "life". Most of the time, praise the Lord, this is no big deal. We're used to it. Things run smoothly. Sure I get a little sleep deprived, but other than that we survive. Every so often though I get a couple days thrown at me to remind me just how much I need my dear husband. For instance, once when living in CO he went to Tampa, FL on a business trip and it snowed 4ft leaving me stranded in the house with two (very small) children who were currently both suffering from a RSV in a bad way and needed to have breathing treatments every two hours. Or, the time where B managed to lock himself and his just walking sister in the bathroom and I had to call my dad to come over and take the door down so I could get them out. Three hours later, L found some yarn and tried to swallow it leading to a choking episode where I had to physically gag her to get her to spit it up. These are my not so gentle reminders that I can't do it alone and I haven't had one recently until...

Dear hubby went away to Seattle this weekend. Of course, I wake up Friday not feeling well and by Friday night (post Kindergarten field trip) I'm feeling quite like I've been hit by a mac truck. I manage to get everyone off to bed and myself tucked in for the evening when I hear the dog heaving in the living room. I rush to get her outside (too late) and realize that whatever she ate out of the trash earlier has made her very ill. I spent the rest of my night getting up with her every few hours (btw...this is why I don't have a third child) until I finally, much to her dismay, shut her outside. Saturday I wake up, still sick but no body or head aches which is good b/c we have a crazy day ahead. L had ballet at 9. B had a football game at 10:30. Then we had dear hubby's company picnic at a local amusement park (didn't really want to go but couldn't pass up the free tickets).

So three clothes changes (in the car), two meals (also in the car), and 100 miles of driving later we arrive back at home exhausted and ready to relax. That's when I walk in the door and discover that the dog has thrown up ALL OVER the living room. :-) And do I have any carpet cleaner? Come on, you all know the answer to that. So, back in the car munchkins. The good news is, I think the carpet is sufficiently ruined enough to warrent new hardwood floors. You know me, always looking for the silver lining.

After all that I did manage to save the weekend on Sunday and we had a great day. We have been watching a caterpiller (whom we named bumblebee) spin it's chrisyllis and become a butterfly and it finally emerged on Sunday. What a cool thing to watch, the kids loved it. In honor of Earth Day (or because B insited we celebrate Earth Day and L was in tears at the thought of letting the butterfly go) we went to the local nursery to get some plants and created our own butterfly garden in the backyard. The butterfly stuck around for about an hour after we released it with L following it around the yard and updating us on it's every move then it moved on.

Well, once again we managed to survive, if only just barely. When dear hubby returns tommorow, I will be so happy to see him. Also so happy to see my pillow for an uninterrupted 8 hours of rest. Nevermind that he is taking the red eye home. As usual, it's all about me. ;-)

1 comment:

Ang said...

Um 2 months have gone by and still no new blog...what do you do all day anyways, raise your kids or what? :)