Monday, July 9, 2007

I love Summer! (the season and the person)

Okay...I need to work on my consistency a bit.

We have been having such a fun summer so far. Last year we travelled all summer, which was fun but really exhausting for the kids. This summer we decided to stay closer to home and have been having a great time making everyone come to us instead!

In June my good friend, and beach buddy, Kim came down with her daughter Summer for a visit with family and we were able to spend a couple of days with them. Kim and I always think it's funny that we moved to the east coast from Colorado at the same time and because of that we get to see each other often. So, as usual we had some great beach days with them.

My nephew from Colorado always comes for a month or more every summer but this year my brother brought him down so it was really nice to spend some time with him, even if it was only for a few days. We've been keeping Garrett busy (as usual). Since moving here we have discovered gators are a big part of life. Mostly the kind that wear uniforms and play sports (chomp chomp) but it's always fun to see the real ones too. Last year Garrett was scared to go see real gators at the lake, this year he was super excited and even got to pet one at a library program. I think the highlight of the trip for him so far has been Sea World. We had a great time and he really loved seeing Shamu. The picture says it all.

Last week Angie came to visit. It was fun to have her here. She is one of the few to make the trek down here and spend a couple of days in the life of the Christensens. Hopefully she wasn't too traumatized by it! We had fun at the beach, the springs, the pool (seriously we are in the water all the time!) and even watching fireworks. I knew she really loved us when we took her to a bike parade and pool party full of shrieking children and didn't even blink an eye. What a friend!!

And to think...our summer is only halfway over (or is it only halfway begun).

1 comment:

Ang said...

I wish I could have stayed at Camp Christensen all summer!